The rituals of cooking, serving, and eating Sunday Sauce is a time honored one. It is a quite a beautiful thing, same as making a Mole in Mexico, or Cassoulet in France. They are all wonderful things of beauty that delight mans every sensory perception; sight, smell, taste, and feel. First, you probably smell the “Sauce’s” heady aroma wafting through the air. The smell is so intoxicating it gets your juices flowing. Immediately.
Once you smell it, you want it, and can’t wait to sink you teeth into it.
Second you will see it in all its gloriousness. You will then eat, whereupon you taste
and feel and experience one of Italian-America’s greatest pleasures, the Sunday Sauce Italian Gravy. A Sunday Sauce (Gravy) takes time and effort to make. It is made and served with Love.
All these great dishes bring together friends and family, and for Italian-Americans, Sunday Sauce is King of all dishes.
If you utter the term Sunday Sauce to any number of millions of Italian-Americans, they will immediately start salivating at the simple mention of its name. The wheels start turning in their heads, with thoughts of how tasty it is, with its various components; the Meatballs, Sausages, Braciole, maybe Ribs, Beef Neck, or Pig Skin Braciole, as well as the Pasta, and the Gravy itself. They think aboutsitting at the table with friends, family, people they love. They’ll ponder the Antipasti, wondering what it might be; mixed Salumi, Baked Clams, Grilled Calamari? And with the meal, there will surely be Wine. Italian Wine, which might be a good Chianti or perhaps Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. With Uncle Frank and Uncle Tony, the wine was usually Carlo Rossi Paisano or Gallo Hearty Burgundy, two solid Italian-American Winemakers.
When thinking of a Sunday Sauce, you’ll think about the warmth in the air, of loved ones, Sinatra, Dino, and the Sunday Sauce itself. “It’s a beautiful thing!” If you’ve never done it, “Try it!” If you haven’t cooked one for some time, plan a get-together with friends and family, soon. Sunday Sauce, It brings people together, in a most delightful way. And as the Big Boys would say, “It’s a Beautiful Thing.”
Excerpt From Sunday Sauce by Daniel Bellino-Zwicke 's
SUNDAY SAUCE "When Italian-Americans Cook"
Broadway Fifth Press , New York , NY
Sunday Sauce
by Daniel Bellino "Z"
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