In NAPLES when you make RAGU NAPOLETAN with Beef Braciola,
Pork Ribs, Sausages, and cuts of Beef (Beef Neck or Chuck). the meats simmer until they
become Tender.
To Serve the RAGU, you first have MACCHERONI with some of the Tomato Sauce, but no Meat.
After you have the Maccheroni (Pasta), you eat the Meats as the Main Course of the meal.
This Ragu Napoletan is what came to be known in America, by Italian-Americans, as either GRAVY, SUNDAY SAUCE, or SUNDAY GRAVY.
This Ragu (Sauce) is the single most SUPREME Dish of the Italian-American Community.
Depending on who is making it, the meats in the Sauce (Ragu) will vary from Person to Person, and Family to Family. The most popular Sunday Sauce Gravy is made with Meatballs, Sausages, and Braciola. Others might make their SAUCE with Meatballs, Sausages, and Pork Ribs.
Some might make their Sunday Sauce with just Meatballs and Braciola, or with Pork Neck, Meatballs, and Sausages.
No matter how you make it, and what you put in your Sauce, the most important thing is that it taste good.
And let's not get into an argument over what it is called. Depending on your family and where you live in America, you might call it Gravy, or you might call it Sauce. It doesn't matter. Remember, as long as it taste good and people are happy eating it.
Remember to make it with lots of Meatballs, so you have some leftover after your Sunday meal, and when Monday rolls around, you can make some tasty MEATBALL SANDWICHES for Lunch. "What's Better than that?"
"Niente" !!!
So, in Napoli, the Neapolitans serve the Pasta and the Meats separately in two courses, while most Italian-Americans eat the Meats on the same plate as the Maccheroni. No matter which way you eat it, just Enjoy !!!